June 11, 2005

Thoughts To Ponder


I stood upon a high place,
And saw, below, many devils
Running, leaping,
And carousing in sin.
One looked up, grinning,
And said, "Comrade! Brother!"
Article (Leaven, Summer, 1998) "What is Freedom? Journey" by James W. Thompson, professor of New Testament at Abilene Christian University.

"...Freedom, as Paul tells the Galatians, can cancel itself out when it leads to a new kind of slavery--a slavery to the impulses and passions. Freedom is lost when we misunderstand it as the freedom to indulge ourselves in whatever way that we wish."
"Where do we go when we have discovered freedom? As much as we say that we don't want to go back, we are tempted."
"The fact is that God wants us to live as grown-up children in our Father's house. To enjoy our freedom--but freedom where the Father's will is our will."

BOTH of these quotations speak to me. The poem puts to light the reality of being a sinner alongside the "devils". The other puts to light the reality of my freedom is only free if I choose to keep it.
What do you think?


Anonymous Poet said...

Thanks for sharing! Do you teach English? Or just have a passion for it on the side?

Nellie said...

I love your comment that our freedom is only free if we choose to keep it. How do we stay free and not get caught up in the snares of the devils? Much to think about, my friend.

Kyle said...

A few thought that seem relevant and I didn't come up with, but don't remember who to give credit:

With Freedom comes responsibility. The two cannot be separated.

Everyman (or woman) is a slave to something. I would prefer to be a slave to truth and goodness. I.e. God, Christ, righteousness.

I will take credit for this one: "Everyman has his God, and everyman has his demon. His God lies just beyond his demon."

Kyle said...

Is it arrogance to quote one's self?

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