September 24, 2006

Being a Granddad Has It's Perks

Big Daddy (Kim) was the babysitter of the evening last night for Regan. She is 17 months old and so much fun. Our cat, Baby, has had to get used to little people running around the house and has on occasion hissed at them. Regan would take great offense at that and cry. She really wanted Baby to be her friend. So she would return and "talk" to her, offer her a cookie and show Baby her book. In the picture, Kim was reading a book to Regan when Baby decided to rub up next to them. Regan was delighted and apprehensively touched Baby's fur. Score one for Big Daddy and his gentle leading to pat Baby.

I heard that they had a lovely evening and Big Daddy even got to rock Regan to sleep. It doesn't get much better than that.

September 21, 2006

Being a Grandma is Pretty Cool

I'm feeling more like a grand-
mother. Lately I have had the occasion to pick up the grandkids from the day care, feed them dinner, bath their cute little bodies, read bedtime stories, rock a little baby girl, build block houses with a budding architect and kissed a boo-boo.

Just like old times, only easier. Now I don't get upset or anxious about their occasional outburst. I find myself repeating lines like, "please don't scream inside the house" in a much calmer voice. I even found out that saying all three names of a 3 year old in a stern voice will still cause him to halt before running out into the driveway. Its a lot like it was 26 years ago when his daddy was 3 years old.

Aidan is very articulate for a 3 year old with a vocabulary beyond his age. Regan understands everything we say to her. She finally has that head nod down for "yes". I just know if her words could ever come out in English, we would find that her conversational skills are most advanced for a 17 month old.

They will soon be leaving us to move into their new house. I'm so glad that they will be living nearby. Having them here for all these weeks has enriched my life. My grandchildren and I have really bonded and that's so special.

September 17, 2006

Shout to the Lord

This is my grand-
daughter, Regan. Look at the face. God made us so happy the day that she was born. A child's happiness is uninhibited and spontaneous.

Psalms 100: "Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs."

This morning my family visited another Church of Christ in the nearby area where our son and daugher in law worship. The Praise Team sang beautifully. They led the congregation in a time of spirit filled worship and praise to God like I don't usually get to experience. As we sang, a few of the songs of joy were accentuated by claps of happiness and praise for our Lord because He has done so much for us. Praise be to Him.

While we clapped, I looked at my little granddaughter who, in her innocence, was smiling and clapping along with all of us who were singing. What joy was on her face! Clapping is such a natural way of expressing joy. Isn't it? I'm glad I could worship with that Christian group of people this morning and see Regan enjoying the time as well.

Psalms 47:1 "Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy. How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!"

It is too bad that more Christians do not feel free to express themselves like Regan does. We, who are part of a stricter code where we attend church, are reluctant to clap or praise God with hands lifted to Him for fear of "offending the weaker brother". Maybe we should allow the Spirit to move within us. Instead of offending our brother, we encourage him in the name of the Lord. We can be an example of a Christian expressing our praise and thankgiving to the almighty God. We can shout to the Lord as the mountains burst into song.

Christians judging other Christians for clapping to a joyful song of praise, need to re-visit scripture. It is so sad that they think it necessary to tell us that a clap is disorderly in our worship services. It makes me feel sorry for that person that can not express their happiness about the free salvation that is ours through Jesus Christ. How do we express our enthusiasm at a sporting event, a birthday party, an anniversary or the birth of a baby? We clap, we laugh, we tell all the world in a jubilant way that we are happy and blessed.

Isaiah 55:12 "You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace' the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. ...This will be for the Lord's renown, for an everlasting sign, which will not be destroyed."

September 9, 2006

No Man Is An Island

How many times does a man get back up on a horse after he has been kicked off numerous times? Does he give up and never get back up or does he simply change horses? My answer would be that he change horses if he can't tame the scared one bucking him off.

My husband and I have encountered a "horse" that has kicked my husband off many times. He is discouraged at being kicked off and I'm hurting because of it. Why can't that horse just let him ride and enjoy the happy spirit in which my husband comes to him? My husband is so sensitive to his needs. He never kicks him or surprises him with sudden moves. He always approaches the horse with a gentle voice and a smile. Although, my husband's approach is one of certainty and belief that the next step is best for the horse, the horse is spooked and bucks him off.

Trying to be members of a group of people that won't let us move forward is like that horse. They want to remain saddled and standing in the stable without ever moving forward to the place that is greener. The group of people won't accept change and is "spooked" like the horse at the slightest hint of it. My husband is offering a small morsel of change to the people and they won't accept it.

So, it is time for a different horse. We have lead the horse to water, but it just won't drink.

Why the peaceful island with the lone house? It calms me to look at it. It is a place I'd like to be at times when I'm frustrated with humans.

September 4, 2006

Be Still My Soul

Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod

Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod, one night sailed off in a wooden shoe;
Sailed off on a river of crystal light into a sea of dew.
"Where are you going and what do you wish?" the old moon asked the three.
"We've come to fish for the herring fish that live in this beautiful sea.
Nets of silver and gold have we," said Winkin', Blinkin', and Nod.

The above is the first verse of a favorite nursery rhyme. In it Winkin' and Blinkin' are a little tot's sleepy eyes, Nod is it's head and the wooden shoe is the cradle rocking them out to dreamland. It is a very pleasant poem where the fish they want to catch are really the stars in the beautiful sea.

Calming thoughts on a stormy day.

September 2, 2006

Sunny Saturday Sanity

Around the beginning of each school year, it takes the Labor Day Holiday to bring some sanity to a teacher's nerve-racking, fast-paced, quick start. School is in session and summer has not ended. It was not suppose to end so abruptly at the beginning of August. The days have still been very hot and the grass is growing at neck-break speed.

Today is Saturday and I am once again in my usual summer morning fashion, sitting at my computer in my houserobe at 10:30 in the morning. That is something I've come to enjoy very much about summers without children at home. The opportunity to do nothing if I choose. Some younger parents might say, "I wish I could sit around on a Saturday morning." Well, I say to them, "You will in about 25 years." Hey, I feel no guilt. I paid my time to do this sitting around.

However, this school start has been busier than most because we have another family in our house temporally. My son's family has recently moved from Michigan to start a job in Houston. While they were looking for a house, they and their 2 children have lived with us. It has been nice to be able to see our grandchildren each day. They are so cute and smart. But even though I want to be with them, I have schoolwork to complete most evenings. Instead of working at my school the week before we had to return, I worked at home to prepare a suitable place for our company. I was happy to do that. I was in no hurry to get back to school. But I lost that week and it put me behind.

I wish I had the time during the day to be working around the house in preparation for everyone's return in the evening. I'm not very good at the whole planning meals for a week thing anymore. I am out of that habit and besides, after standing on my feet all day at school, I just want to sit down. So, our daughter in law, who is very good at planning and cooking, prepares her family's meals. We pretty much just take care of ourselves around here in the evenings. It seems to work, but I feel guilty not doing more for them.

This is our Labor Day Holiday and we will be off from work on Monday. An extra day to catch up on work around the house and also the work we brought home in our bookbags. Labor day is supposed to be a holiday from work. It is in reality a holiday for me to catch up on work. I like having this time to work alone and plan the next 3 weeks for my classes. I needed this break in our hectic beginning.

It is my understanding that next year our school district won't begin as early in August. I'll believe it when I see it. In the meantime, I have to clean house, wash clothes, plan lessons and grade papers. Labor Day, 2006...a sunny Saturday for my sanity.
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