June 23, 2005

I Want My BTV

No that isn't a typo. I want my Bedroom TV not MTV. About 10:30 every night I get tired watching TV in the den. So I go off to my bedroom, put on my pj's, and sit up in bed to watch TV before I go to sleep. Then, one night a couple of weeks ago, my bedroom TV sadly stopped working. It fizzled without warning, giving me no picture or decent reception. I couldn't imagine what was wrong. Kim thought it might be the cable so I hauled if off to another bedroom to see if it would work off of another jack. It began with the clearest of pictures and I felt hopeful. Then after about 5 minutes it flipped out again to the black and white static dots that invaded my set before.

I thought it would be okay because I still had my television in the den . Now that wasn't too bad when Kim was gone almost every evening to play practice or one of the other many meetings he attends. But since the plays have ended, I have him home most evenings. TV hasn't been the same. Can you spell d-o-c-u-m-e-n-t-a-l bore?? He wants BTV too. That would be Boring TV. Okay I'm not being completely fair. I don't mind a little Astro action on the tube as long as I can flash back and forth between real TV and the game. At least he watches Seinfeld reruns.

But see, I wouldn't have to watch Kim's TV shows if the set in my bedroom had not died. Besides there is just nothing like snuggling down under my comforter, propped up on my back pillow, watching Debbie Travis on "The Painted House" while glancing at my home decorating magazines. Now if you aren't an HGTV fan, you probably don't know Debbie and her team of paint experts. Debbie is great to watch just before drifting off to sleep. I can dream of all the home improvement I'll do with Debbie someday. Others like Will and Grace, Dharma and Greg, or Chandler, Rachel and the Friends can produce the same sandman effect on me, with different dreams of course. The point being that it is very comforting to lay my back pillow aside, click the remote control and put my head down for the night after a bedtime story from my buddies. It just doesn't have the same effect if I have to get out of my recliner in the den, walk back down the hallway, get into bed and try to go to sleep. By the time I do all of that, I'm not sleepy anymore.

So I really hope to replace the dead TV soon. Kim has been thinking that a bigger TV in the den would be nice. Then, maybe the DTV will become my new BTV. Keep your fingers crossed. :-)


Nellie said...

ML, I understand your situation completely. I don't have to endure sports so much as I do the OLN (Outdoor Living Network) channel, etc. I much prefer some of the shows you listed (esp. HGTV and TLC) as well as good ol' Lifetime. :) I just move to the sitting room, get comfy and enjoy. Although I do try to be brave and hang in there in the living room occasionally so I can at least see what my husband is interested in and be able to relate to his comments like, "That is just like the European Red Deer I shot on my last hunt." Yea, right, I get it.

Are we spoiled or what? I'm having trouble imagining my mother having these thoughts. Hmm... I guess we are products of our time.

Mary Lou said...

Ha, now see that is where I would have to draw the TV line. Hunting shows, fishing shows...I mean what is that all about? And why on earth does anyone like to watch bowling? The things those men will watch is a mystery.


Kyle said...

I was watching a History channel thing on the Mafia last night as Amanda was drifting off. She woke up in a paniky state and said that she'd been having a dream that the mafia was after us and that I had to turn the channel because it was because of the show I was watching. That's Amanda and my biggest difference. History Channel. I love it.

Jason said...

Since Kari and I don't have cable and we don't often watch TV anyway, our battles are over the radio, especially since we got XM. She wants either NPR (which I like) or more often light alternative music. I prefer sports talk, indie rock, or Air America Radio. I think when we move we might get a new XM reciever to avoid this problem in the future.

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