May 31, 2005

Retreat and Regroup

For many people January 1 is the day designated to start over. They make New Year's resolutions, wipe the slate clean, and try to improve themselves in some way.

Though many people buy into the January / New Year thing. I do not. My New Year begins the first day of my summer vacation from school. When I finish packing up my classroom and lock that door behind me, it is New Year's Eve.

My "New Year's Resolutions" are not usually written but simply noted in my mind and are in the form of plans. I have plans to clean out boxes and closets and maybe even that monster garage. The carpet needs cleaning and I plan to get a new vaccum to help with the job. My home decorating talents are lacking. So, with the help of HGTV, some decorating magazines and perhaps some buried creative juices, I can improve the decor of this house.

My list of books to read are taking on a different genre this summer. I've decided to check out an author name Harlen Coben and read a mystery novel. Then I'd like to try "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" because I saw that the next epic tale to come out at the movies will be "Narnia". As a child, reading was difficult for me. It was hard and I didn't like it. Now I realize that I just wasn't reading the right books for me. Unfortunately, I missed a lot of classics because of my reading problems. So, I want to use some of my summer vacation to read.

I really like June as a new start better than January. I have a couple of months to work on my "resolutions" without the distraction of school work. No deadlines or reports to turn in. Nothing that will cause a major upset if I don't have it done "on time".

Hopefully, I will be able to keep my summer "resolutions" better than the ones made in January. I'll keep you posted.


Jason said...

If you're looking for help decorating, you do have 3 daughters-in-law would could likely help. I know Kari would LOVE to if we were closer.

I never knew you had reading problems as a child. Was it anything diagnosable, like a learning disorder, or just normal problems? If you're looking to add to your reading list, you might want to try The Da Vinci Code. I'm sure you've heard the hype and some of the criticism. Personally, I acknowledge the criticism, but I enjoyed the book anyway. Plus, you should probably read the book before the movie starring Tom Hanks comes out next summer.

Deb said...

It's June! June, dah-dah-dah! That lovely song from ... 'Carousel'???

Am feeling much better, thanks! Performed for a Lunchtime Recital series today. Played for a friend, who has a lovely soprano voice. We got through it, and had a lot of fun. It was nice to come home and get your 'E-mail'.

Reading is one of the best treats one can give oneself. Enjoy! Take along your favourite book to read while you're reorganising your boxes, too. If you find a big enough box to fall into, you can have your very own reading hideout! Really cosy with a blanket, torch, and a good cool drink.

Thanks for your comment, ML. :)Yes, The Proms are absolutely an awesome summer concert tradition here in London. (Check out the link on my blog page. Also, if you click on the daily title, it will take you to the website of the Royal Albert Hall.) John and I have resolved to finally go to several this year. Jeff Rathbun, son of my ACU piano prof (Dr Ron!), has been the principal oboist for the Cleveland Symphony since 1990, and they will be performing at the Royal Albert Hall for two nights. So we hope to have our ticket requests come to fruition for at least those two concerts. I chose some others, including three from The Promss Chamber series, but getting those tickets are like winning the lottery. But at least I'm learning how to 'get in there' this year.

I know you are so glad to be out of school. All my teacher friends here got out for half term last week, and are only too relieved. They go back next Tuesday, and then they teach some more until summer holidays in August. It's a long slog!

Love the new look of your blog ... its great to read your thoughts. And you are gorgeous!

Well, probably told you more than you wanted to know. It's been fun to keep in touch, though!

Blessings! :)

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