"My Sunday school teacher brought a new idea about worship to me today. Like I started this blog with what I considered to be synonyms, Sunday and Church; he said that Worship and Service were synonyms. That was a new concept for me." (From my blog on Sunday, May 22, 2005.)
The reason I was perplexed with the idea of worship and service being synonyms was because I thought of service as part of the larger whole I saw as worship. After some consideration and reading I see my view was very narrow. I hope this rather long blog isn't too preachy, but I couldn't make it shorter.
My friend, Chad, left a powerful scripture reading for me to consider. In Isaiah 58:3-14, we read about a nation that seems to do what is right and not forsake the commands of God. But God is telling them that all of their fasting is ending in quarreling and strife. He asks them how can they expect their voices to be heard? God tells them to share food with the hungry, provide shelter for the poor, and clothe the naked and to not turn away from their own flesh and blood.
That is certainly service to God isn't it? If God is the one telling them what they (we) are supposed to do then it must be God's will.
Romans 12:1 "…I urge you, brothers in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship."
Deb, another friend of mine, thinks of sacrifice when she thinks of service. Certainly Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice in his act of worship to the will of God.
"My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." (John 4:34)
In John 6:47 Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life. I am the bread of life." Bread is fuel for my body. If someone gives me fuel, I will be grateful. I will thank him all the more if I am starving. My thankful appreciation to the Provider is my worship. In the Isaiah scripture we are told to feed the hungry…my service…Jesus feeds me…His service. To imitate someone is to revere them. I revere and worship my Lord who is my example. John 13: 15 Jesus says to his disciples, "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."
I confess that my service, which is my worship, is lacking. I have often identified with the man in Mark that wanted to know what he had to do to inherit eternal life. Jesus, in his ever-patient manner, first assured the young man that no one was good except God alone. (Mark 10:18) Then the next verse tells us that Jesus looked at him and loved him. (vs. 21) I like to believe that Jesus will look at me that way…with love. Then when the man heard what Jesus wanted him to do…sell all he had, give to the poor and to follow Him…the man went away sad because he had great wealth. I really like the next part of that story that gives me hope. Jesus watched the "Rich Young Man," as my Bible called him, walk away and he said, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!" (vs. 23) You may be asking how I get hope out of that? I have to notice that Jesus didn't say it was impossible, just hard.
My service to God is hard. I have great wealth on so many levels. It's hard to give up my time, my vices, and my energy just to do something "good". But I have to because it is the will of God that I do. I'd like to think that the even though it might have taken the rich young man years to come around, that he eventually sold his things, gave to the poor and then went around telling people about the Jesus that looked at him with love.
Worship and service…yes they are synonyms. I serve God because he is worthy. I worship Him because He is worthy. Philippians 2:13 says, "…for it is God who works in you (me) to will and to act according to his good purpose."
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