Last December our youngest son, Ryan, graduated from college. He was the third and last of our sons to earn his degree. Yea! Then in April our little granddaughter, Regan, was born in Michigan. Then, just this last Saturday, our youngest son, Ryan, was married. And TODAY is the 26th birthday of our middle son, Kyle. I hate to admit this, but it wasn't until yesterday that I realized that his birthday was here. Sorry, Kyle, I do have a present for you though.
All of the above doesn't even take into account the activities that my husband, Kim is involved in. He is directing a teen production of the musical, "Honk!". I don't really know the synopisis, something about ducks, I think. Anyway, this teen show goes up tomorrow night for the public. They'll perform two more times before taking it "on the road" so to speak. In June Kim will take all of the teens to a conference for non-profit theater organizations. There will be about 200 teens from non-profit theaters all over Texas gathering to watch their peers perform and attend workshops to better their craft. Needless to say, I'm not seeing much of my husband lately. I do observe his sleeping body beside me in bed though.
As for me, I'm just trying to get this school year over. After having my textbooks taken from my classroom and banished to the bookroom yesterday, I'm on my own as to lesson plans. That's okay because as a veteran teacher, I have lots of tricks up my sleeve. Yeah, right! Besides pulling lessons out of a hat for my students next week, I am suppose to finish referrals on special needs students, find lost library books, give a social studies test...oh, did I mention that we have no textbooks anymore...and finish grading and posting all of my grades by Friday morning. Its a lot of busy work. I can do it all blindfolded but I'd rather not.
I'm tired and ready to rest. Margaritas on the beach are sounding so good right now.
Ah, but did you know that Disney requires payment to show their movies? Its the copyright law and one year I showed a Disney as a reward to all of the kids at Alamo El. I had to pay a one-time-only fee of $25.00 to show it. You can get a copyright permit for the entire school year for $300. I think. So I ususally just choose from cirriculum approved movies. Today we are watching "Stone Fox" with Buddy Ebsen. We read the book in class.
They took your textbooks away? That's absurd. It sounds like even the school district recognizes that nothing happens the last couple of weeks in elementary school, so why do they waste the money by even having school? Why not just shut it down and not waste everyone's time and money?
I hate bureaucracy...
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