April 24, 2006


I hope that I dream when I'm dead. Not to sound morbid, but when I am sleeping really hard and dreaming, that is the best sleep. An intense dream can be as good as a great novel if it isn't too scary. So when I die, I hope that God will allow me to have dreams.

One time I had a dream that I was dead and in heaven. It looked like a fifties kitchen right out of "Happy Days". The floor was that black and white checked tile on which stood four silver chrome and red vinyl chairs with matching table. Kim and I were sitting at the table having coffee with our friends the Griffins. We were all happily talking and laughing with each other. No one had anywhere to go and there was obviously no stress. That was heaven in my dream. I awoke the next morning with a happy, content feeling about death. It was comfortable, homey and a place where I would be with my friends for eternity.
So I'm thinking that dreams will make my "sleep" a peaceful, tranquil place to spend my eternity. Could that be God's heavenly kingdom? I hope death isn't a big nothing. I pray that I remember people and enjoy eternal happiness.


CJ said...

I must say I found this entry very interesting as I am a dream enthusiast myself.
I love my dreams and the places it takes me.
I lost my Mother in Sept of last year, and have many dreams of her.
I am a true believer in our loved ones in the afterlife coming to visit us in our hearts as we sleep.
I love to interpret them, and I love the tranquility and the advice that comes along with our sleeping moments.
Yes Mary, I do believe there is a Heaven out there for all of us.

Jason said...

Personally, I think heaven is better than anything we could imagine, but it is entirely spiritual in nature. All of our traditional representations of heaven are likely wrong or at least misleading because they are too physcial in nature. Heaven is a spiritual place, not a physical one. And everything that we think of as "good" in this world is likely quaintly inadequate. Heaven has much better things in store.

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