March 28, 2006

A Desperate Fix

Today as I was reading my son's comment to my last blog, my eyes grew wide and my heart raced at the revelation of what I learned. He told me that I could order episodes of the Second Season of "Desperate Housewives" from iTunes. Oh wow! I never thought of that. I can catch up on the Second Season and find out all those DH secrets that I've missed.
As soon as I got home from work, I clicked the link that he had conveniently embedded in his comment. Then... lo and behold...there it was. It was as if a choir of angels had begun to sing and I looked upon the words. For a mere $1.99 an episode I can watch my new "Friends". Also, if I want to, for $34.99, I can download all of the second season DH episodes PLUS be in the queue for future episodes not yet aired. Yes! This internet is a good thing. Thank you Jason. Thank you internet. Thank you iTunes. I bow before your greatness. Let the second season of "...Housewives" begin.


Jason said...

Glad I could help. Check out the other TV Shows they have on itunes. Their library is still missing everything from CBS and FOX, and other networks are incomplete, but it continues to grow every week. I especially like the "multipass" feature for "The Daily Show".

Kyle said...

Arrested Development is the most notable absence. Amanda really likes Desparate Housewives, also. They won't cancel it. Now if only the shows I like could get the same treatment.

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