Just when I have been saying that there was absolutely nothing on TV to watch since "Friends" quit filming, I was introduced to "Desperate Housewives". Now I had originally thought that DH was just another "reality" show. I was not into watching smart-mouthed female judges, or shows where a snooty English nanny comes into a home to save the mom from her own kids and I certainly wasn't going to watch a bunch of whiney housewives. Nope, that is not what I like to see. I'm not about reality of that sort. I couldn't have been more wrong about DH. It is just the right mix of Hollywood reality and comic relief.
I don't know who I should blame my addiction to this show on. Kim, because he ordered the first disc of the first season from Netfliks and I had to watch it in its entirety...all in one Saturday, or my girlfriend because when she learned that I liked it so much loaned me her set of "Desperate Housewives" whole first season DVDs. It has taken me only one week to watch the whole first season plus extras. Hey, I'm behind by a whole season, I had some catching up to do. But now that the first season DVDs are finished, I had a dilemma...do I wait for season reruns to continue the sequence or do I just jump into the regular shows on TV now?
Well it was Sunday night and I realized that DH was on TV. But since I have never watched it on regular TV I didn't even know what channel it came on. However, I still wasn't sure if I wanted to jump forward in the DH timeline. So as I scrolled through the TV menu, I found it. There it was on ABC, Channel 13 at 8:00 p.m., "Desperate Housewives". It wasn't 8:00 yet and so I just set a reminder. As I watched "My Best Friend's Wedding" for the umteenth time, the reminder popped up. Do I or don't I? Oh, what the heck! I was desperate for new episodes of my now favorite TV series.
So, now I'm hooked. There is no going back. "Desperate Housewives" is going to be with me for as long as the ABC network will carry it. What can I say? I'm in love. :-0
In love with who? I vote for Mike the plumber.
No, it is not terrible. I am an avid DH watcher as well. My problem is now I'm also hooked on "Grey's Anatomy" which follows DH on Sunday night. My only other really favorite TV show is "Boston Legal" which comes on Tuesday nights. We all need a little comic relief, and laughter is very good for you!
Aha! So you too have been summoned by the siren song. Yes, Kari and I watch DH, but I have to tape 'Family Guy' on Fox, which comes on at the same time. Kari watched from the beginning and got me hooked somewhere in the middle of Season 1. I really annoyed her at that time by constantly asking her to fill me in on the plotlines.
You should really catch up on Season 2, however. Even though it hasn't been as intriguing as Season 1, it's still good. You could wait for the DVD, or you could buy the episodes off of iTunes.
By the way, I created a new website to help publicize my dissertation research to the therapy community of Mid-Michigan. It really doesn't concern you, but I thought you might want to see it. Visit my blog for more info.
I was so excited to learn that I could download DH episodes that I've immediately downloaded the 1st episode of the 2nd season. I can hardly wait to see what Bree, Susan, Lynette and Gabrielle will do next. Oh my!
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