March 11, 2005

Pictures, pictures and MORE pictures!

I have been trying to sort through 30+ years of photographs that my husband and I have taken over the course of our marriage and even some from before. Now let me tell you, that is a host of Kodak prints!

When I started last summer to sort through the various little packages of photos and negatives, I simply moved them into cardboard boxes that are really too big to place upon a closet shelf. Consequently those boxes were moved to a corner of the room awaiting a new home. There they have sat stacked one on top of the other where they have acquired a new function...a climbing toy and resting place for our two cats.

However, now I have another method in mind that I saw on my new favorite TV channel, HGTV. It involves shoebox-type containers with lids and labels as to the contents. It looked so easy and organized. Not wanting to spend any money on my little(?) project, I accumulated several shoe boxes from every member of my family. Now all the photographs and boxes are spread out over an unused bed in our guest room.

My biggest dilemma now is figuring out the categories for sorting. The subjects of the pictures all seem to lap over the other and we have way too many scenery photos to justify keeping them. I keep forgetting how I'm sorting too. Did I put all the children's high school pictures in that box or just them with their friends or was it birthday parties? I don't know, it hurts my brain to think about it.

In the meantime, there will be no new prints, only digital pics I can store on a disk or my computer. Sounds good. Right? Now to get that bed cleared before we have company again.


Jason said...

Hi mom,
I hope those boxes are accessible when we're there in May. Kari and I would love to look through those old photos.

Good to see you got the comments working.

Kyle said...

Categorize them by one's "With Kyle" and "Without Kyle". Discard of the latter.

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