It is true. My children HAVE caught up with me. No,we weren't running a race, unless you consider life a race. I just realized that they are now my peers in a manner of speaking. One of my sons and his wife are school teachers in the same district where I also teach. We can talk about our jobs together in the same way I talk about work with my immediate colleagues. With my older son I realize that he has such wisdom far beyond what I ever had at his age. He is almost finished with his doctorate in family counseling from MSU and I find myself listening carefully to what he can teach me. My youngest son, newly graduated from college, is soon to be married. He is starting out with some excitment and a little bit of apprehensiveness about being in the "real world". However, as I talk to him about job interviews and auditions for acting jobs, I see a grown up with a future of new beginnings. I have to admit I'm a little jealous and envious of this fresh start in life.
Given the fact that all of my sons are grown up now, I find it easier to just be myself around them. I don't have to be their mom like I did when they were still at home. The youngest son is living with us for a while before he gets married in two months. It is a relief for me to be able to treat him like a man. I don't worry about where he going or who he is with like I might have when he was a teen. Whether they are living in my house or their own, I know they are capable men and are equiped to handle life. That of course is not to say that I don't want to help them if a need arises. I truly enjoy and cherish babysitting for my grandson or feeding pet cats or making wedding plans. I even enjoy ironing workshirts, flying to another state to help pack for a move or driving to an apartment to feed and clean up after pets. I get pleasure out of all of that now that they are adults. I believe that is because I know that I don't HAVE to do it, I want to. I also know they realize that I don't HAVE to do it anymore and when they hug me and say "Thanks Mom", it is all worth it.
One other pleasure about grown up boys is that they can still be little boys and act silly. I can have so much fun with them. My sons make me feel young because we can laugh and joke with each other as if we were the same age. It really warms my heart and lifts my spirits when they want to include me in their plans for fun. They don't treat me like I'm old even though I act like it sometimes. There are times when I miss my little boys, but at this stage in my life those grown up young men are a very special blessing to me.
Thanks Guys!
No, thank YOU, mom. We love spending time with you and dad, and Kari and I plan to do a lot more of that in a few months. We're looking forward to our various trips to see each other this summer (and potentially moving back to Texas).
Wow, thanks. That made me feel all warm inside. I have decided, though that I don't like being an adult and I'm going to stay young forever.
One of my students told me the other day that I am a 16 year old in a 25 year old body. I took this as a complement. I can see that those who I feel comfortable around are the ones that respect me the most. It is when I have to pretend to be this strict person that I feel like an adult, and this is the part of teaching I hate. I think that is why teaching college appeals to me. Hopefully then I won't have to deal with those others.
But, I echo Jason's comments. I enjoyed eating dinner with you and dad and Ryan last week. I was telling Amanda that sometimes I feel bad living in the same town as you because when we would visit as out of towners we didn't have to go anywhere and you and I could talk until the wee hours. I miss that. But don't worry. We won't live here forever.
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