May 12, 2009

Peace, Be Still

I can just imagine sitting in a sailboat on a quiet body of water, the evening air is warm, and I feel a gentle breeze brush against my face. I like that tiny light you see hanging off the mast in the picture. The fishermen must be working late casting nets after the sun has gone down and the lantern provides added light. Earth's moon illuminates the dark waters. It's a peaceful time of the evening when most other fishermen have retired to their homes for the evening. Only the sound of waves softly lapping up on the sides of the boat can be heard. Calm waters gently rock the boat and the fisherman watch the waters without speaking a word. Peace, be still.

Jesus, asleep on a quiet boat as a storm is forming. His shipmates are growing nervous as dark clouds roll overhead and dangerous waves begin to rock their boat violently. No longer the tranquil scene described in the above paragraph. Deafening thunder claps roll across the sky as torrents of rain saturate the tiny boat. Jesus, possibly below deck, remains unaffected and sleeps through the furious storm. The disciples are alarmed, thinking they are going to die and wake Jesus, shouting their pleas to be saved.

Jesus calmly surveys the storm and speaks, You of little faith, why are you so afraid?
Jesus isn't concerned about their safety because He knows who is in control. He is. Like a father to a rowdy child, he rebukes the storm. Quiet! Be still! And in an instant, the unruly winds and rains obey the Master's voice. Peace has returned to the lake waters.

Jesus told the stormy winds and rains to stop. It should comfort and calm our anxious feelings to know what our savior can do. He can rebuke the storms in our lives. He can still our fears of inadequacy. He hears our cries of desperation and with outstretched hands he replies, Quiet! Be Still. Our faith is strengthen and our fears erased when we call out to Jesus.

Peace, be still.

Matthew 8:23-27

1 comment:

Nellie said...

Thank you, ML.

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