When I began this blog, my intentions were to post at least once a week. Lately, I've been doing good to post once a month. I noticed on the last Site Meter report that the number of views a week was way low. When I logged onto the site, I had 4 drafts started and none of them near completion. So, I managed to delete three and complete one; here is a second. Even though the writing bug is biting, and even though I have several writing ideas swirling around in my head, and even though I have more time to write; I just can't seem to gain the momentum to actually execute the activity. My plan is to return to once a week postings. That said, today I decided to make a fervent attempt to post another entry to my humble little blog. I hope you enjoy it and will tell others to follow along with ML's Musings.
Spring is primarily known for new beginnings. Buds burst into colorful flowers, nude little chicks are hatching and caterpillars emerge as lovely butterflies pumping new wings for the first time. Many people are spring cleaning as they discard, organize, give or sell those once-needed items no longer of use. Spring is a time of new beginnings and also, in some cases, a time of endings.
Endings were celebrated recently at our church. All of the high school seniors who are graduating this May were honored. The church gathered in our fellowship room after services to share in the celebration. Just the eight of them and the 100 or so of their friends, family, and well-wishers brought food to share. In addition to good food, there were gifts, pictures, a DVD showing all the grads at various cute-ness over their young lifetime and a blessing offered for their futures. Happy endings are a also a sign of new beginnings.
Summer, while a time to play, can also be a time for continued work. The main school year morphs into summer school. For some it will be a time to redo what was missed during the long term with hope for improved outcomes. For others it is a time to get ahead, taking classes to further their progress to an end. Still, summer for many individuals is a time to rest, relax and regroup before the onset of Fall. Summer camps planned to not only occupy young minds and bodies, also provide activity for the adult sponsors to relive their youth. Families take vacations ranging from expensive cruise excursions to a back-to-basics tent in the woods. The main objective for family vacations is a time to bond, to appreciate those people closest to our hearts and enjoy the uniqueness of each family member.
Seasons have cycled around with reoccurring events in much the same manner for decades. Goals are set, tracks are laid, and progress is charted for whatever we humans have planned. If we think about our future, it is as an endless circular rail from beginning to end, never to be broken until the ending date is stamped on our headstone. While we ride this sphere around and around, the primary differences come in our growth as individuals. Numerous physical and mental changes have taken place within us. Along the way we have acquired knowledge, spouses, learned skills and talents, children, homes, and spiritual awareness. From the time we are babes until our final end on earth, we continue to rotate in and out of seasons, experiencing life's starts and stops. Keep in mind that with each end, something new will begin. May we all reflect, appreciate and savor our time on earth until we stop at our final resting place and forever live the ultimate new beginning.
Ps 104:19 The moon marks off the seasons,p and the sunq knows when to go down.
May God bless your seasons.
Welcome back to the world of blogs, ML. What a blessing for us that you were able to put your thoughts to words. What a gift!
How kind of you to say that. I really do enjoy writing and even if no one reads this, its an outlet for me. Thank you.
Well done. As usual. :)
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