I recently went back to Abilene, Texas for Abilene Christian University's homecoming. This is a picture of one of my college friends, Lois, and me. She lives in Abilene and was our gracious hostess for the weekend. We had such a good time visiting, going to the homecoming play, touring the campus to see all of the new structures and of course, worshiping together on Sunday. I'm so happy that we have this close friendship. However, it has only been the past several years that she and seven other college friends started our email chats.

This is a picture of us in 2004 standing outside of our old dormitory which is now an office building. There are nine of us 50-something aged women that once lived together in Zellner Dormitory on what was then the Abilene Christian College campus. One of our group, Nancy, nicknamed us the Zchicks. The Z stands for our old dorm, Zellner.

One of the Zchicks lives near Boston and couldn't make it to Abilene for our reunion picture. So, I couldn't leave her out. Here I am visiting my friend, Patty, last summer.
Even though we live in different parts of the country today, the friendships planted during those years at ACC has continued to grow over the past 30+ years through the wonder of email. At one time all of our conversations involved school, social activites and of course, boys. Now, much of our communication deals with our everyday lives, religious faith, children and grandchildren. We still have a lot to say about husbands, boyfriends, and past loves, but what has been so wonderful is to open email most every day to see that I have mail from one or more of my friends.
May God bless our friendship with 30 more years.
I love you Zchicks!
Reading our story here made me misty eyed. It is amazing how friendships that began so long ago in Zellner dorm at ACC(ACU) have lasted so long and gone through so much.
I look forward to the next reunion.
Abilene Zchick
Friends who remember you as you were when you were young, but allow you to change and grow are the best! Hooray for the Zchicks!
Did you see the new sculpture on campus? I think it's over by the bible blg and the theatre/business blg side. Anyway, it was done by Jack Maxwell, who is a good friend of mine's uncle. I've seen pictures and it looks really cool.
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