What has happened to my job? It isn't very much fun anymore. The people down there try their best to make more work for me to do while doing the job I was hired to do. All of the extra stuff that adds time to my day, that takes away from what I was paid to do, would have to be done after my work hours are over. But that is supposed to be my time with my life. It's not though. Well that isn't exactly true because some days I refuse to bring my work home. I say "no" to my work, walk out at 4:00 p.m. with empty hands. I go home and I have a life. Aahhh. :-)
Then, not to my surprise, the work I refused to take home is there at my job, waiting for me to pick it up right where I left it. The bigger problem now is the work that I left behind has now grown to larger portions. So I plan time during my day when I have 45 minutes of time (on paper) to work, and I will catch up on the paperwork for my job, during the day, while I am getting paid. Unfortunately, there is an interruption, a phone call, a boss who wants to speak to me, a lame meeting that couldn have waited until next week. My work for home sits, waiting for me to carry it back into my life. So I do. I take it home and it sits on my table mocking me. Glowing like the Devil as it taunts me to pick it up and do the work. I wash clothes, cook a meal, clean the dishes and finally a moment to sit down. Then I remember my beast of burden, my work, and I succome to the labor which is awaiting me. My homework from school.
I have a job. I am a teacher. I need a life.
How did you ever do this with us at home when we were little? My gosh!
#1 She was younger then.
#2 She did what she had to do.
#3 It's called survival.
Seriously, ML, you are going to absolutely LOVE retirement. Let's start a countdown for you, what do you say?
That's right, Nell...I was younger. But I also remember it wasn't all that easy. But back when my kids were little, we basically taught with the basal. We did have all of the project read stuff, the TAKS practice and stuff. Every single year something else is added to the whole thing and we are expected to use it. And we are expected to do it all just the same.
Too much to choose from makes me crazy.
And I will LOVE retirement. I know it too.
Yep, you are so right. The great testing era was in its infancy stage back then. I'm still pondering how to address my concerns about all of that at a higher level. I want my voice to be heard, but I don't want it to sound like whining or an effort to take away a level of accountability for educating our children.
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