Words are bumping around in my brain this morning like balls in a pinball machine. Too much is happening in the world, with friends, with my family, at church, I could go on and on until my eyes glow, "TILT". So, what to post today? The recent bombings, explosions, and terrorist suspects in London? Do I talk about how a friend of mine who is going through such hard trials with her family? Do I talk about the privileged society we have become in this age of technology when we can text message our son in NYC while he is on an intermission break at a Broadway show? Or how we are learning that if we enter ICE on our saved cell phone numbers with the name and number of our emergency contact, that police will be able to use our cell phones to quickly call our "In Case of Emergency" number if we are in an accident and unconscious? Or I could write about how it seems that more and more people are calling for prayer? Or should I write about how I still struggle with the issue of drinking alcohol and what is healthy and what is not? I could write about the very long Defensive Driving course I finally completed online because yes, I got a speeding ticket. Or do I want to write about farmer's markets and food we should be eating that do not have pesticides? Or the fact that all the processed foods that American's eat are making us a fat nation? Maybe I should just write about my husband's 5th job this year and how it is going to be the best career change he has ever made. Although, I could just write a "feel-good" piece about my two adorable, forgiving cats that seem to love me no matter how badly I behave.
No, that's all too much for my brain to process today. I'm still sitting among boxes I've mentioned in past posts and I still have a garage full of "treasures" to sift through. No, I won't write about any of those subjects. I'll just leave a scripture for you and I to ponder over today.
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
Ah, yes, rejoice and be glad. How boring our lives would be if we did not have all of those situations you mentioned to keep us "on our toes."
Taking a break from it all and thinking about the glory of God and his creation as the rain falls and the thunder rolls is very peaceful and comforting.
Think I'll choose a book from my stack and curl up with an apple and some peanut butter for lunch. And yes, the apple was purchased at a farmer's market. :)
Thank you, Chad. This is just beautiful. I especially liked the imagery of a person standing on a ship casting the pebbles (burdens) into the water. Casting our burdens before the Lord. That's something I forget to do so often.
I want to forward your comment here to my friend that is going through some very difficult trials now in her family.
Thank you.
That's something God showed me a couple of years ago -- God makes ALL days, not just the good ones.
By the way, is there a farmer's market in Baytown?
I wish there were a farmer's market in Baytown, but there is not. I've heard there is a small on in Dayton. I stopped at one in Hempsted. I've heard about a farmer's market in Houston somewhere. But I don't know. If I find out about one, I'll let you know.
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