July 20, 2005

The Older Woman

I have become the older woman. No longer do I sleep blissfully through a whole night. I wake up two, maybe three times in the night before I give in and get out of bed. My legs, hip joints and bunions begin to hurt when stationary for too long. My husband, bless his heart, is the older man next to me snoring and snorting all through the night. Now why doesn't that wake him up? It is so irritating that he is comfortably sleeping while I'm tossing and turning right next to him.

Another reason for my sleepless nights are those flashes of heat we older woman get to experience. Without warning these hot flashes come at any time of day but especially during the night when we are trying to sleep. #*??!! I realize that God was mad at Eve for the whole eating the fruit in the garden thing, but I ask you...is this fair? Wasn't it enough that women were sentenced to "pain in childbirth"? Where does it say, "Thou shalt have great flashes of heat in your older years."? In the middle of the night I kick my covers off letting our ceiling fan do its job of cooling. Then, with a sudden chill the heat is gone and I'm covering up again. Meanwhile, there is that noise beside me, my joints ache and now I have to go to the bathroom! AAhhhhh! "Calgon take me away."

Excuse me now while I adjust my thermostat and take a few pain killers.


Jason said...

Regan has been waking us up lately (mainly Kari to eat). I think she somehow got her days and nights mixed up. I'm not sure which would be worse: being awoken for your reasons or because a 3 1/2 month old isn't sleepy.

Nellie said...

It is difficult getting older. I have experienced all of the ailments you describe, including a snoring husband. :) However, I know that I also snore, so I can't count that against him!

Good ol' hormone patches and arthritis medication have helped me tremendously. But I think what has helped me the most just recently is RETIREMENT. I am amazed at the difference in my stress level. I had no idea!

Perhaps with Kim's new position you will experience less stress as well.

Hang in there - I'm with you!!

Anonymous said...

Amen, Amen, Amen...Did I forget to say AMEN !!!!!

I too long for a night, just one night in which I do not do the tootsie roll...yep, roll it to the right then roll it to the left, fluff the pillow, fix the cover (pull it up, kick it down, pull it up, kick it down),now roll it to the left (also fondly known by me as the belly flop) and roll it to the right, fluff the pillow, sigh deeply & gently elbow Sleeping Beauty, I mean my Prince Charming in the ribs in hopes he closes his mouth....Then maybe just maybe I can catch another hour of blissful slumber...

I sympathize and empathize and can truthfully say, "I do understand"....

And this too shall pass....

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