April 26, 2010

Growing older and diet

The thing about aging is that the body and mind goes through changes. I no longer get to eat like I used to. My stomach reacts violently to spicy foods. There goes pizza, spaghetti sauce, fried shrimp, cake frosting (yes I know pure sugar, but yummy!), bananas, and other beverages and foods I used to enjoy. Notice all the commercials for stomach antacids, sleep aides, and antidepressants? That's because the baby boomer aged people who are now needing all the help they can get. And I have to admit, I've taken all those meds since turning 50. Now that I'm closer to 60 than I am to 50, I don't take them as much anymore. I am learning to eat healthier and live with less stress. Getting out of my career in education of 30 years helped, but also self educating myself did to healthier ways of eating has helped too.

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