September 21, 2006

Being a Grandma is Pretty Cool

I'm feeling more like a grand-
mother. Lately I have had the occasion to pick up the grandkids from the day care, feed them dinner, bath their cute little bodies, read bedtime stories, rock a little baby girl, build block houses with a budding architect and kissed a boo-boo.

Just like old times, only easier. Now I don't get upset or anxious about their occasional outburst. I find myself repeating lines like, "please don't scream inside the house" in a much calmer voice. I even found out that saying all three names of a 3 year old in a stern voice will still cause him to halt before running out into the driveway. Its a lot like it was 26 years ago when his daddy was 3 years old.

Aidan is very articulate for a 3 year old with a vocabulary beyond his age. Regan understands everything we say to her. She finally has that head nod down for "yes". I just know if her words could ever come out in English, we would find that her conversational skills are most advanced for a 17 month old.

They will soon be leaving us to move into their new house. I'm so glad that they will be living nearby. Having them here for all these weeks has enriched my life. My grandchildren and I have really bonded and that's so special.

1 comment:

Jason said...

We're closing on a house in Clear Lake on Wednesday. It's a nice house in the Meadowgreen neighborhood, which is bordered by El Dorado, El Camino Real, Pineloch, and Hwy 3. We're really excited about moving in this week, but it's been really nice to stay with mom and dad for the last 6 weeks or so. We've enjoyed it, and I know Aidan and Regan have had a blast. Thanks, mom and dad.

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