August 8, 2005

Welcome Back To School

It is the start of another new schoolyear. Even though it is sad to say goodbye to summer, there is something invigorating about starting school. It is as if I have been given another chance to get it right. As a teacher I can start over with a new class of children and correct the mistakes I made with the last group.

The students in my district still have another week left before they start laying out that special outfit to wear or packing their brand new notebook and pencils into their new backpacks. As teachers, however, we get that priviledge this evening. I even bought a new dress to wear to opening day. It isn't anything too unique, but it's new and that is what counts. I also bought a new calendar for my zip-up day planner. I'm looking forward to writing on the crisp new pages all the events that will happen this year.

Now don't get me wrong, I'll miss summer vacation very much. I had a very relaxed two months. Kim and I went to Michigan in June to visit with Jason, Kari, Aidan and Regan. I really enjoyed my visit with them and playing with my grandchildren. Part of that week, Kim and I went to another town in Michigan where we got to stay in a very nice hotel and attend the American Association of Community Theater festival and conference. We saw plays, went to workshops and had fun. Two weeks ago we rented a beach cabin and stayed for a week on the beach. That was really relaxing because there was the beach, the ocean, the cabin and us. Our children stayed with us one night and we went down to the beach, played games, and went over to Galveston for dinner. My kids are so much fun to be around. Then another evening Kim and I went back to Galveston for another dinner this time with friends from Baytown.

This summer I stayed in my pajamas practically all day when I didn't have to be anywhere special. All the housework I thought I would complete still sits in partial completion. It's okay because I have decided not to be in too big a hurry and do a little bit at a time. I think I can get it done by Christmas.

Kim has a new job and this time I believe it was made for him. He has gone back to teaching school after being out of it for 25 years. He will be great though because he will get to teach what he loves the most. Theater, what else? He has already started work and I love that he comes home everyday with excitment and happiness. I love that he wants to tell me about his day. I am enjoying listening to him talk to me.

I have really enjoyed having two of my sons and their wives in town. I have had them over some this summer for dinner or a movie. Like I said, I love being around my children. They make me happy.

So I am going back to school relaxed and ready. It has been many years since I have felt this good about starting back to school. I've already been to my classroom to decorate, change the furniture around and start planning my classes. I still like to teach and preparing my classroom is half the fun of the beginning of school. Let's hope I can keep this positive attitude all year.


Jason said...

I have the same feeling about this year too. This is a new beginning that I am looking forward to as well. I love new beginnings for the exact reason you gave: plenty of opportunity and a chance to correct the problems of the past. Here's to a great year!

Nellie said...

Glad you are ready for school. It is so important to feel as you do. It's part of the passion we have for teaching.

I am excited for my friends returning to school and excited that I am on a new journey this year. It is odd, but I don't feel a lot of sadness this morning. I thought I would. Maybe that's yet another sign that I was ready for retirement.

I'm excited about getting things ready and packed to go to my mom's for the rest of the week with Sarah and the kids. It's a whole new beginning for me as well, knowing that I can just go when I want to.

I'll be praying for you to have a wonderful, successful year!

Deb said...

Congrats to Kim! I hope he has fun with his passion, and know it will rub off on his students. I would love to know his answer to this question: What in the world possessed ACU to choose AIDA for this year's homecoming musical? We think it's about the worst from the Webber/Rice team (done shortly before their break-up). At least the productions here got dissed (as in ‘disparage’)

Am glad to hear about your fun visits with your kids and grandkids. What a treat! Wish I could take a peek inside your classroom.

Enjoy this year, and all the crisp and refreshing newness it represents. Your students are so blessed to have you!

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