August 28, 2005

Blogging Block

Since school has started back, I can't seem to blog. It isn't so much that I'm too busy. I have started to blog several times. I had an entry in the draft stage for a week and tonight I finally deleted it. I attempted to start another one only to delete it too. Even now as I type this, I am constantly deleteing what I type.

The first blog I deleted was about Freedom. Last Sunday, for some reason, I was really moved by the songs, the prayers, the sermon. I was feeling so good last Sunday that I wanted to write a blog about realizing what freedom in Christ really meant. However, the words were too many and it just wasn't saying what I wanted to say about freedom.

So then I thought since it was raining and thundering outside that I would write about how I love to listen to rain storms. I recalled some of my more memorable rainstorms and being sheltered from the rain. That thought led to thinking about the homeless people who may not have a shelter from this storm. That thought led me to realize I was doing nothing to help their situation. I felt selfish for writing about my cozy shelter from the rain when I knew some people couldn't have that feeling.

Somehow though I think these subjects should be able to connect. Freedom-rainstorms-helping.


Kyle said...

I think that those unfortunate souls that you are talking about could help us learn how to feel freedom to live in the rainstorm. I'm trying to tie it all together. It doesn't seem to be working, does it.

Mary Lou said...

Good try, Kyle. I think that Freedom in Christ will lead a Christian to do what is natural for he/she to do. i.e., to help the homeless or misfortune in situations like rainstorms or hurricanes. It is the freedom we should feel to help others when no one is forcing us to do it. We do it because we love mankind.


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