The fireplace has already been blazing more this year than it does most Winters. Hallmark has been cranking out Christmas movies everyday. The stories with a moral message and happy endings inspire us to be a better person. I have watched many versions of the Ebenezer Scrooge character learning he has been a fool all of his life, hording his money and passing on true love. However, there is more to the message here than simply allowing life to happen all around while you squander yours. Scrooge, as revealed by the ghost of Christmas past, is a product of a father who was put in prison because he was too poor to pay his debts. As the father was lead off to prison he shouted back to young Ebenezer to hold on to his gold, to make his fortune. Not wanting to risk the same fate of his father, separating a family and dying penniless, Scrooge worked, head down, through long hours and missing out on blessings that could have been his. As Scrooge's life progressed he remembered his father's words and held on to every cent he earned, using only what was needed to keep him alive. While all around him, he was filling his life bank with empty promises, wasted opportunities with family and lost love, Scrooge grew oblivious to Christmas Present.
The Season may make some people melancholy as it does me. We begin to think about Christmas Past, lament over what Christmas Future will bring and forget to rejoice in Christmas Present. Many of us have loved ones that are gone who once shared the Christmas holiday with us laughing, exchanging presents and reveling in the joy of our siblings, cousins, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. Now, it seems, we have to remind ourselves to leave the happy days of Christmas Past in the past. It may be a task to get the Christmas ornaments out, decorate for the holidays and plan Christmas parties. As I commence to do those things in preparation for my own family and friends to come to my holiday gatherings, I have to remember this is Christmas Present. Whether all three sons are here with us or only two, whether any of my own siblings join us or none, whether its the first Christmas with a loved one or the last; this is Christmas Present. All regrets of Christmas Past must be put away, fears of Christmas Future will vanish and only our happiness for Christmas Present will remain.
My life has been blessed over and over by good fortune; a loyal husband, three wonderful sons who share homes with Christian wives and my darling three grandchildren, all in good health. The fact that my basic needs are met each and every day, makes my life as rich as Scrooge. May God grant me the wisdom to not hoard my wealth, but share what I have with those who surround me now in Christmas Present. As Tiny Tim so rightly proclaimed, "And God bless us, everyone!"
...that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven
and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
-- Philippians 2:10-11
Beautiful, ML!
I agree with Nell! Beautiful! A wonderful reminder to me, especially this year. Thank you!
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