November 28, 2009


Holidays are here once again and reflections of times past inevitably come to mind. This Thanksgiving was spent with our middle child, Kyle and his wife, Amanda and their 10-day old baby daughter, Olivia. It was a special time because we rarely get the opportunity to have time alone to visit with just he and his wife. With no other family around, I was privileged to hold my new granddaughter as much as I wanted. She slept in my arms, wiggled around in my lap and looked up at my face. Sweet memories in the making! Perhaps one of these days when we are old and Olivia is visiting her grandparents, we’ll all remember with fondness, this first Thanksgiving just after her birth. Okay...we will remember and tell her all about how much we loved being together with she and her parents.

In a month we will celebrate the birth of another infant, Baby Jesus, whose mother also held her memories as dear. This year our three sons, their wives and our 3 grandchildren will be with us on Christmas Day. With a new infant in our family this year, the Christmas season will be extra special as we make memories together. My heart is full and I too treasure all the special times we all spend together.
‘Tis the season to be merry!

Luke 2:19-21

But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.

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