August 18, 2008

Today Has Enough Troubles

The other night, Kim and I had our small group from church in our home for a time of Bible study. Our text was Matthew 5:6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

The question posed was, "What does righteousness mean?" Someone answered that it was "being right in the eyes of God." Another person questioned the meaning of the word, righteous. All agreed that the word is more of a religious word and not one used by people not familiar with what might be considered religious buzz words. So, how does one relay that message to hunger and thirst for righteousness to the un-churched, that is, one who isn't connected to any religious organization? What does the word righteous mean? Furthermore, why seek righteousness in the first place?

Righteous--1: acting in accord with divine or moral law : free from guilt or sin (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary).

Hmm,...still a lot of religious words in divine or moral law. However,
free from guilt or sin might speak to the common man a little better if it weren't for that word, sin.

To be guilt or sin free is not possible and being righteous is not as easy as it sounds, is it? Who was the only righteous One? Jesus Christ. Isn't being righteous like Jesus is righteous a pretty tall order? Fortunately, God has us covered. ( John 3:16)

Although, I would like to back up to the root word, right, for a better understanding of the meaning of righteousness.

1: righteous, upright2: being in accordance with what is just, good, or proper <right conduct> (MWOD)

Surely, all would understand the word good. Every child has heard often to "be good." So, to be right in the simplest form is to be good. But, how does that work with the definition of righteous and having to do with divine and moral law? The word righteous is an adjective and describes someone or something. Jesus is divine, that is,
1. of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God. (MWOD) Therefore, to hunger and thirst for righteousness is to have a longing or desire to be righteous or divine like Jesus. Still easy for the Divine One, but what about Me? How is that possible? Why am I hungering for Christ-like righteousness?

Matthew 6:31-34 talks about our worries of what to eat, drink or wear. As I thought about that text, I could relate to my own anxieties now that I have retired, as to having enough money to pay bills, make needed repairs to the house, buy clothes, and food to eat. Our needs haven't changed much from Jesus' day. We still worry over where we'll get the means to acquire those things. In verse 32 of chapter 6, Jesus is telling us that the Father knows we need those things, but if we seek first his (Jesus) kingdom and his righteousness, all of those things we need will be given to us. That's why we seek righteousness. To be without worries and to trust in God. Think of it like having faith we will have air to breath all through the night as we sleep and into the morning as we wake up. Do we fret over having air? No, its there. We can't see it or hear it, but we know it will be there for us every day. So, why is it so hard to trust that God, who we can't see or hear, will also provide for our needs. If we trust and have any amount of food, clothing or money; it is because of God. First, however, we must seek (hunger/thirst) for his kingdom and his righteousness. When we do that, Jesus reasons in Matthew 6:34, there is no need to worry about tomorrow. Let that sink in, don't worry about tomorrow. That should bring a calm sense to your very soul. We do not need to worry. Furthermore, why should we? After all, each day has enough trouble, don't add to it with tomorrow's trouble too.

Finally, allow me to conclude with a song. As I thought about not worrying about tomorrow, I was reminded of a secular song by a 1970's group, Fleetwood Mac, called Don't Stop. The lyrics may appear to be opposite of Jesus' advice to not worry about tomorrow, but the song has the same message. "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow, it'll be here, better than before. Yesterday's gone, yesterday's gone". For Christians, we can forget about today and look forward to a worry-free tomorrow because God has it covered for those who thirst for righteousness.

To hear a very righteous offering of Fleetwood Mac performing Don't Stop, click this YouTube video link. The Fleetwood Mac band, joined by a school band*, will bring a smile to your face and happiness to your heart. Be blessed, hunger for righteousness and don't worry about tomorrow.

*After some research, I learned the band in the Fleetwood Mac video is the University of Southern California Marching
Trojan Band.

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