Knowing its about time that I posted again, I've been trying to decide on a subject. We just returned from a week at the lake and that was very relaxing. We spent some time with our sister and brother in law at my in-law's lake cabin. It was a good place to get away and change our scenery. As you see from the pictures, the scenery is really nice. The days were hot, fun, relaxing, and a good place for an evening game after dinner. The cabin is on a part of the lake that is not highly populated with vacationers or people. We went to a sandy beach part of the lake to swim and it was so nice. We were the only four people with our sister and brother in law's dog within miles.
I've been teaching a little Wednesday night class at church which I'll be finished with in another week. I took on this class as a favor to a friend. Now that friend is not involved as much at church as in the past and I don't really want to teach. It's one of those church jobs that as a weekly thing, locks you into that position each week. Unlike the adult classes, the teachers for the younger kids don't rotate and it becomes a burden because you're stuck until you beg for a replacement.
Church is going through a lot of changes right now. We're adding more elders and that is a whole 'nother issue. That's all I can say on that subject. There is a lot on my mind in regard to all of that, but I'm not at liberty to put in on my blog. Suffice it to say that we can use your prayers for our church right now.
Our community theater is busier than ever. Our summer musical is in rehearsals now. Chicago will open on August 1. Kim and I will house manage for two of the performances, and we'll work in the box office also. Our son, Kyle, is the director and we will of course go to see it. Our daughter in law, Amy, has one of the lead roles and our son, Ryan is also in the play. Our oldest son, Jason, and his wife Kari and son, Aidan all are performing in Music Man at a church in Friendswood. So we went to see their play and it was just wonderful! It gave me several opportunities to baby sit with Regan while they were at rehearsal or the shows. I liked that very much. Lots of plays on the horizon. Kim is directing Mame in December not to mention his student productions at school. Kyle will also have student productions at his school, so we'll be trekking over to his school to see them. And who knows at this point if I may perform in a play myself?
Well as you can tell, there really wasn't a lot to this post. I hope you all are enjoying the summer. I love the summer time. I know a lot of people complain about the heat, but I'm okay with it. Of course, I have a/c and can stay cool. Okay, well...maybe next time I'll have something to say.
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