November 26, 2007

Is It Christmas Yet?

A truly amazing thing happened this evening. The Martin holiday letter was written and it's not even December yet! Okay, it isn't really a letter. It's more of a quick overview of the high points from our year.

I must admit that I'm pretty impressed with myself. Normally, I might write a letter and it may or may not get mailed. Or, I give up and just sign my name to a traditional card. Then, there are those Christmases when a post card wasn't even sent.

Maybe its the Christmas decorations in the stores, or the cooler temps here in hot old Texas. Still it could just be that I'm excited because all 3 of our boys,their wives and the grandchildren will be here at the same time for Christmas this year...on Christmas Day. Of course,those two cute grandkids really make Christmas a lot of fun too.

No, I'm not going to post my holiday letter here. Christmas cards and holiday computer paper were made for snail-mail. The postal department even sells Christmas stamps just for the season. Besides, I love going to my mailbox and finding a hand addressed envelope with my name on it. So, I figure others might like that too.

Warning, if we are friends or family, chances are you'll receive a holiday note from me in that box that hangs outside somewhere near your house. Check it out, its an attachment anyone can open.

Enjoy the season!

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