Our church worship leaders recently requested the thoughts of us (the members) in regard to singing and songs for an upcoming Wednesday night time of worship. We could choose one of their suggestions or make one of our own. I decided to answer all four of the Cloze-type queries and to share them on my blog. I hope you will relate to what I've written here. Perhaps what you read will conjure up some memories you have of singing in church. --ML
· The songs and singing that have meant a lot to me are…
hymns sang at a time when everyone in the place was of one thought and mind. At a Women of Faith conference where literally thousands of female voices lifted hands and voices to worship in one accord. At funerals where we all loved & mourned the life of one we would miss here on earth. After 911 when many of us gathered to sing and pray to God for strength. At the close of Abilene Christian University functions and now, family gatherings, when we all sing “The Lord Bless You and Keep You.”
· What I hope to hear is…
a joyful noise lifted up to heaven. So many times, I think we forget to be happy in our relationship with God. Our sins are many for sure, but Praise the Lord, we are saved through our savior Jesus Christ. Our songs should be joyful. I hope to hear joy in our voices as we sing songs of praise.
· My memories have a great deal to do with my favorite songs. Sometimes my mind travels to…
a church in Beaumont where we gathered one Sunday afternoon a month for a time of Gospel singing. There was always a full house on those Sunday afternoons where I witnessed so many other Christians lifting their voices in song. The song that I always hoped we’d sing was “Master the Tempest is Raging”. That one could lift the rafters and my young mind would picture a ship being tossed on a dark sea of waves in a terrible storm. Powerful words with the perfect music to accompany a strong message.
· If I could write the music and lyrics of a song, this is what I would want it to say…
(The tune to “Gilligan’s Island” oddly enough fits this meter. The words and tune I want to evoke happiness and joy.)
There is a new day coming,
We’ll sing a happy song.
There is a new day coming,
When we can do no wrong.
There is a new day coming,
When blue skies open wide,
There is a new day coming,
We’ll see Jesus eye to eye.
Praise God for all creation.
Praise God for Sun and Rain.
Praise God for food and water.
Praise God for Jesus’ name.
One day I’ll go to heaven.
One day I’ll see loved ones.
One day I’ll stand as one brand new.
One day I’ll be with You.
One day I’ll be with You.