February 25, 2007

William Wilberforce

If you are like me, you've never heard of William Wilberforce. Then, I heard about the newly released film "Amazing Grace".

More than likely, you have heard of the hymn, "Amazing Grace", words written by John Newton. John Newton was a person involved in the cross Alantic shipment of African slaves during the late 1700's and early 1800's. On a particular voyage back home, his ship was nearly lost in a terrible storm. After a night of praying to God for his life, John Newton believed there was truly a God. He devoted his life to God as a preacher and penned the lyrics to hundreds of hymns, one of which is the familiar "Amazing Grace".

Wilberforce met Newton while he was still a youth. As an adult, Wilberforce, who was a member of Parliament, saw the light of the Lord and found himself in a quandary as to whether he should get out of politics and focus on a life with God or not. He seeked the advise of John Newton. The slave issue was one that impassioned the speeches of both sides of the issue. Those opposed to the bill to abolish slave trade were fearful of job stability and the current onset of the French revolution. The proponents of such a bill were also afraid for the lives of innocent African men, women and children who were suffering at the hands of slavemasters. Yet, some of the people who felt slavery to be wrong, were too afraid to speak out against slavery and so kept quiet. Wilberforce decided that it was the will of God that he speak out against the slave traders and to use his position in Parliament to change the laws.

Kim and I viewed this film recently and was immediately drawn to the story. The life of Wilberforce was one of helping the man, who could not speak for himself, to a better existence. His passion for what he believed should inspire all of us to stand up for what we know is right. The filmakers did a supreme job of recreating the time period and sending us back to a 17th century England in a time when disease, human cruelty and a harder way of life existed. The African people were considered goods and not humans. Fortunately, people like Wilberforce saw the inhuman treatment of Africa's people and made it his life's mission to abolish it.

Go see it. You will be glad you did.

February 15, 2007

Sing! Sing! Sing!

Heartlight graphics.

Singing carries an expression of our emotions and reactions to life. The words and melody of a song add special meaning to any worship or occasion. Even when our flawed, aging memories cannot remember a grocery list, we remember songs we heard at special weddings, funerals, or even the songs we sang as battle cries at our high school football games. I sang "Bless Be the Tie that Binds" with a broken heart at my Daddy's funeral. We sang the "Halleluah Chorus" joyfully on the occasion of my cousin's wedding. My heart brimming over with bittersweet tears on the occasion of each son's wedding rehearsals, we sang "The Lord Bless You and Keep You." So many emotions, feelings and messages travel through a song.

God blessed me with a voice and the ability to sing. And sing we should...to God the Father and Jesus Christ our Savior. I am encouraged by songs. I am taught by songs. I am pricked to the heart by songs. Music stirs my blood and boost my inner person to march into victory. "Victory in Jesus" is a battle cry sang by Christians. When I hear trumpets play the triad of sound after singers shout, "God of our Fathers Whose Almighty Hand...," I square my shoulders and lift my voice to the anthem as my heart fills with pride.

My soul is soothed with King Saul as David the shepherd boy plays his harp. (I Samuel 16:23) Such a calming effect the sweet sounds of harp strings can bring to a stressed mind. But what a thrill it must have been to participate in the celebration when the builders laid the foundation of the temple of the Lord! (Erza 3) The priest wore their vestments and played trumpets while the Levites shook cymbals and praised the Lord in song. They shouted and sang "He is good; his love to Israel endures forever." Scripture tells us, "And all the people gave a great shout of praise to the Lord, because the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid." Wow! all of that for a foundation. Why don't we do that for Christ laying down his life...for us?
"Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth, sing praise to the Lord,..."

February 3, 2007

God Created Groundhogs

Groundhog Day, 2007
Somewhat overcast with a chance of rain, and we are told that the groundhog did not see his shadow. According to folklore that means we are in for an early spring.

Our oldest son, Jason, was born on a cool, cloudy Groundhog’s Day very much like today. Thirty years ago Kim and I were 24 years old. We had barely been married 2 years and were new parents. To me, Jason was the live version of baby doll I had practiced mothering during those formative elementary years of childhood. Of course, my dolls never pooped, cried, or expelled large volumes of milk all over me. Moreover, my Tiny Tears Doll never once smiled or cooed at me. She never once lay warmly under my chin on my shoulder in whispers of blissful sleep. Oh! the joy that a newborn baby will bring to a person’s life. Jason was my joy. I could sit for his entire nap holding him on my shoulder unwilling to move him to his crib. He was so sweet, innocent and dependent on me. Me! How could anything so tiny be dependent on me? I was just a kid with no experience. God apparently wanted to put me to the challenge because he blessed us with not only one little boy, but three.

There are times when I really miss the three young brothers that grew up in our house. The noise of laughing, arguing, and rambunctious little boys would now be music to my ears. The “mommy pile ups” that seemed to put me on the floor beneath a mound of little male bodies giggling and squirming in delight as they played are now a distant pleasurable memory. We had great fun together.

Now they are all grown up and Jason has children of his own to play with. I am finding that I still delight in each new stage of their lives even as adult men.

Thank you, God, for Jason, Kyle and Ryan. Our lives have been richer because of those 3 baby boys born to us. What a blessing!
Happy 30th Birthday, Jason.

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