These two are my cats, Baby and Homer. Since spring has sprung and it is exceedingly pleasant outdoors, they have begged to be let outside to watch lizards, birds, squirrels and generally anything that moves. When the backdoor closes behind her, Baby, the black cat, will stop, look back and appear to wonder, "Will I get back in?" She will often come back to the door, peer in through the glass and meow. When the door is reopened, she won't come back inside. "Just checking," is what I imagine she is saying to me. So, Kim and I have begun to leave the patio door open so the cats can come and go as they please. However, that is going to change due to the "prize" Baby brought into my den this morning.

When I Goggled to find a picture of the salamander I was surprised to see how many different varieties of the creature there were. However, the picture you see here is exactly what Baby wagged into my den this morning in her mouth. I screamed, "BABY!" and she of course dropped it. The thing must have been in shock and didn't move for a moment but quickly regained consciousness and slithered under the coffee table. I ran to retreive my broom all the while yelling at Baby as if she could understand my dismay at this thing in my den. When I moved the table away, it wiggled quickly toward the sofa minus the tip of its tail. Baby was keeping up with her prey until I wildly began swatting and screaming like a mad women with the broom. Baby immediately dashed for shelter and I managed to drive the stripped thing under the couch. By now Homer has heard the commotion and returned from outdoors to investigate.
Having already moved the coffee table, I started rolling the rug back to prepare to move the couch. Homer was most interested in the carpet and even more interested in the old Christmas bow found behind the couch. I moved the rest of the sectional in pieces all over the room while Homer began his own version of "Christmas Bow Soccer". No salamander. Baby and now Homer were so curious about the moved furniture and rolled up carpet, that they completely forgot about the blue stripped slimy creature lose somewhere in my den. However, I couldn't rest until that thing was outside where it belonged.
I proceeded to gingerly move the sofa, a bit at a time, when I see a tiny sliver of something about a half inch long wiggling around. Was it a little worm? No, it was the salamander's tail that came off. It was still moving around and with paper in hand I cringed as I scooped the detached tip into a plastic container (which will never be used again) and threw the appendage part out the door. Well at least THAT is gone.
Now to get serious about that salamander. I continued to move the couch bit by bit away from the wall and there he was lying motionless on the tile floor. I ran to get something to scoop him onto. I didn't want him to get away before I could fling him outside. I needed that clear plastic container again and something really thin to scoop him up so he wouldn't touch me. Finally, finding a half sheet of cardstock, I returned to capture my prey. Only he was no longer in the spot behind the couch where I left him. He had moved! Oh no, where was he? Did he crawl under the detached sectional pieces? I moved each piece around and found no salamander.
The rolled up carpet had now become Homer's favorite place to play as he squeezed himself into the hole made by the tubelike cylinder. I moved him off of the carpet and began to unroll it, when there it was. The salamander began to crawl away and in my excitement I squealed and clapped the dustpan over the escapee. Got it! Ha! Then, I slid my half page cardstock under the dustpan to create a new floor for the salamander. Oh no, I can't see it. What if it isn't on the piece of cardstock? He could drop out and I'd lose him or worse, he might touch me. Not wanting that to happen, I picked up a thin magazine from the coffee table, and carefully slid it under the cardstock while holding the dustpan tightly on top of it. I hastened to the open patio door, released the magazine and out dropped the salamander onto the ground. He scurried off into the bushes. Victory! Gone. Now I can get back to laundry, reading and school papers. Aaah. Peace has been restored.
Too bad for Baby and Homer who have lost their open door priviledges.