December 30, 2013

An Evolving Christian

While spending a week at the family lake cabin on Lake Sam Rayburn, the book I chose to read was Evolving in Monkey Town, by Rachel Held Evans. I had heard of this book and had the sample read on my Kindle. A couple of years ago I heard Evans speak at the ACU (Abilene Christian University) Summit Lectureship. So, I was somewhat familiar with who Rachel Held Evans was as a speaker and author. I then, made the decision to download her whole book and give it a read. Best decision thus far this trip.

This post is not meant to be a review of Rachel Held Evans’ book, but a sorting out of the impact her book, which chronicles her doubts about her beliefs, had on me. I was glad to learn the book was not really about monkeys or even evolution of man, but instead, an evolution of Evan’s doubts about God and her journey to find answers to some tough questions. It is encouraging that even though I’m 31 years her senior, that a 20-something year old woman expressed so well with profound meaning what has been churning in my mind for many years now.

All of my life I have believed in God, Jesus as my Savior and the divine truth of scripture. My prayers to God have turned into personal requests for help with doubts lately. Similar to Rachel Held Evans, my childhood routines revolved around church activities and weekly worship services. Church attendance, Bible reading, Sunday School have been part of my life since birth. As a preteen/teenager, I didn’t attend dances, drink alcohol or wear short shorts. I attended church services literally every time the doors were opened, church camp every summer from the time I was old enough, monthly youth devotionals as a teen and summer Vacation Bible Schools since the beginning of time. My dad was a deacon in our church, then an elder and on occasion stepped for the preacher when he was out of town. I knew all of my home congregation’s preachers personally. State universities were not even on my radar when I chose a Christian university to attend after high school. In my mind, attending a Christian college meant I’d finally be around more people who thought like me. The boys I’d date would all be Christians, or so I thought. Even today, some 40+ years later, I need to know my doubts and questions are not uncommon. Rachel Held Evans’ written words resonated with some of the same “why” questions I’ve had about God.

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