Yesterday I went back into the classroom after being retired for 3 years. It isn't permanent, just a long term sub job. After only 2 days, I find that it feels strangely natural. For one thing the school where I am teaching is the same architectural layout as the building where I taught my last 3 years. In fact I finished my teaching career in 3rd and this sub job is in 3rd. I am in the same hallway in the current school as I was in my old school building. Therefore, except for the school colors, I feel as if I am right back in the same school building.
I'm not going to say that I am thrilled to be back teaching. AFter all, I retired for a reason. It's a hard, tiring job to teach school. Standing on my feet all day, with a rare minute of quiet, I come home worn out just like I did those last years I taught. The students in this class for the most part are very sweet children. They follow the rules with few exceptions. They ones who mind outnumber the ones that push the envelope. Its not a bad gig, but like I said, I'm beat. Definitely feel the years in this body, especially in my feet and legs. Ouch!
This current sub job is one that I feel confident in doing. My first teaching position after college came one hardly a month after our wedding. This December, Kim and I will be married 36 years. I retired with 30 years of experience which doesn't count the 2 years I substitute taught while staying home with the boys for 2 years. When you work at a job that long, its what you know well enough to walk in to just about any teaching situation and pull it off fairly well with little preparation. However, it still doesn't make it any more desirable at this stage in my life.
My long term job will only last for 8 weeks and I am sure I will be glad when it is over. However, I am glad to have the chance to earn some money doing what I was trained to do best.
Going back to teaching full-time in a classroom after 3 years off is like riding a bike. And we all know that you just don't forget how to ride.